The Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum
The Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum (DPNF) is an independent not-for-profit non-political body, run by and on behalf of the local community. It is open to everyone who lives or works in Dartmouth Park, together with elected councillors who represent the ward. There is no membership fee.
The DPNF is empowered by the Localism Act (2011) to lead the neighbourhood planning process. It was the body that helped to draft the DPNF Neighbourhood Plan which was put to a public referendum in February 2020. Over 1000 local people voted, 88% in favour. The Plan was formally adopted by Camden Council in March 2020 and its policies now must be referred to when the Council make planning decisions. The adopted plan can be downloaded here. The Forum now plays a leading role in pre-application discussions and commenting on planning applications to reflect the plan, helping to submit applications for Assets of Community Value and also in developing and putting forward projects for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding.
The right for communities to prepare Neighbourhood Plans was established by the Localism Act 2011 and the rules governing their preparation are set out in the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2016. They give communities a say in how their local areas are planned and how planning policies should be applied.

The Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Plan
The Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Plan, prepared by the Neighbourhood Forum in consultation with local residents and businesses, is designed to enable the views of local people to have direct influence on any changes in our area, including potentially major development sites such as Murphy’s Yard, Highgate Newtown Community Centre, Chester Road Hostel and Mansfield Bowling Club.
Amongst other things, the Neighbourhood Plan seeks to:
Ensure a neighbourhood that is predominantly residential, characterised by a rich variety of architectural styles and excellent design.
Provide and maintain our mix of housing for people of all means.
Create a neighbourhood that has a strong community feel, encompasses a wide mix of social groups, and is supported by first-class community services.
Ensure the neighbourhood has thriving local centres and is served by a wide range of independent shops, restaurants, cafes and pubs.
Retain the neighbourhood’s leafy feel, with treasured green and open spaces and wide, tree-lined roads giving a village feel, and contribute to addressing issues of climate change and air quality.
Ensure the neighbourhood is well-connected both to neighbouring areas and to central London by excellent walking and cycling links and public transport.
DPNF Committee 2023/24
Ilona Hay (Chair) Planning, Highgate Fold Project, Mortimer Terrace Nature Reserve
Valerie Doulton (Deputy Chair), RA Liaison, Greening
Nick Bradfield Planning, Heath & Hampstead Committee (liaison), CAAC (liaison)
Marie Brunborg (coopted)
Ben Castell Murphy’s Yard
Jessica Jacobs Website, Community engagement, Murphy’s Yard, Highgate Fold, Social Housing, Mortimer Terrace Nature Reserve
Paul Mitchell Energy & resilience
Emily O’Mara Murphy’s Yard, Highgate Rold, Community engagement, Posters, Social Housing, Mortimer Terrace Nature Reserve
Angela Tebe, Highgate Fold project
Joanna van Heyningen, Planning, Energy efficiency & resilience
Peter Wickenden, Planning, Small Sites
Eileen Willmott Greening and open spaces
Local councillors: Lorna Russell, Camron Aref Adib, Anna Wright, Sylvia McNamara and James Slater are ex-officio members of the DPNF committee.
The DPNF committee is made up of people who live or work in Dartmouth Park. They are elected annually at the forum’s Annual General Meeting. The committee meets as often as required for current activities, usually every six weeks. Anyone who lives or works in Dartmouth Park can join the committee.
DPNF is committed to having a Forum that reflects the composition of the area. We are able to co-opt additional members up to a maximum of 20. If you are interested in joining us, email to find out more.
We particularly welcome residents from under represented parts of the area, including the York Rise (Engineers) estate and Lissenden Gardens as well as tenants, young people and residents of ethnic minority origin or with disabilities.
Forthcoming meeting dates and minutes can be found here.