Design Charter and Streets for People Engagement report
May 4 2021
Our consultants Urban Movement have now completed their work and submitted their final report. Based on in-depth conversations with local residents, businesses and organisations, the report sets out a community-generated ‘design charter’ of 15 elements that any scheme to reduce the impacts of traffic in Dartmouth Park will need to achieve. We are presenting our the report to Camden Council to consider as they make proposals to address the area’s traffic issues.
Sixty-six members of the local community came together on 23 February to discuss the Draft Design Charter that has been drawn up by Urban Movement after the two Community Conversations in January (a recording of the session is below):
Earlier the same day, Urban Movement also spoke to a group of pupils at Brookfield Primary School.
They are now writing up the findings of the engagement, which we will share here soon.
A number of snap polls were taken during the session, as presented here: Polls page
Contact: Ben Castell,
In January, Urban Movement hosted two Community Conversations online. These sessions were aimed at gathering local opinion on traffic and streetscape issues in Dartmouth Park, and identifying key parameters that any potential interventions for the area will need to meet to address. The sessions were well-attended and garnered interesting and passionate discussions, and Urban Movement and Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum would like to thank all who attended for their contributions. For anyone who was not able to attend the sessions, recordings of both are below:
At each session attendees were introduced to baseline data for the area, followed by a presentation around the balance of place and movement functions of streets, and were asked where they would like the streets in Dartmouth Park to be on this scale. The results of these polls are as shown below:

Following this, attendees were asked to post their questions and/or comments in the Zoom chat, which were then addressed in turn by the facilitators – with commenters being asked to further discuss their thoughts and opinions. Further conversation was also had amongst attendees in the meeting chat here:
Some key themes emerged as a result of both sessions and Urban Movement are now working on the ‘design charter’, a draft of which will be published here soon.
Next steps:
All attendees of both sessions as well as those who were not able to come along are invited to attend a final DRAFT Design Charter Workshop on the 23rd of February 6-8pm, where Urban Movement will be presenting the draft design charter. Attendees will have the chance to feedback on the charter and raise any points that may not have been covered already. The workshop will be hosted online via Zoom, anyone who wishes to attend can sign up here:
Some key pieces of research were mentioned in the sessions, links to which are provided below:
Information / studies on the economic impacts of providing for walking and cycling:
- The economic benefits of walking and cycling – A report outlining the impacts walking and cycling schemes can have on the economy (2019, TfL):
- The Pedestrian Pound – A report outlining the business case for better streets and places (2018, Living Streets):
- The Complete Business Case for Bike Lanes – An article reviewing 12 studies on the impact of cycle infrastructure on businesses from around the world (2015, Bloomberg):
- The Economic Benefits of Sustainable Streets – A study outlining the economic benefits of streets improvements and how to evaluate them (2013, New York City Department of Transportation):
- The Healthy Streets: A Business View – A report surveying London’s Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) to understand the importance of the Healthy Streets Approach to business performance (2019, TfL):
- The Cycling and the Housing Market report – A report examining the relationship between high-quality cycling infrastructure and the housing market, including new developments (2017, TfL):
- The Segregated Cycle Infrastructure evidence pack – A presentation compiling monitoring and evidence about the impacts and benefits of TfL’s cycling programme (TfL):
- Place Value Wiki – A reference site hosting a range of research evidence that links ‘quality’ and design of ‘place’ with value added in different terms (2021, UCL & Bartlett School of Planning):
- Commuting and Wellbeing – A study on the impact of commuting on wellbeing (2017, University of the West of England):
- The association between commuter cycling and sickness absence – A study to determine whether cycling to work has an impact on worker absence due to sickness (2010; Hendriksen et al, National Library of Medicine):
- The Market Cycles – A report by the BCO on the impact of growth in cycling on office specification as well as occupier and investor demand (2017, The British Council of Offices):
Information / studies on the impacts of reducing / removing through-traffic:
- Disappearing traffic? The story so far – Research on traffic evaporation (2015; Cairns et al, NACTO)
- Results of a scheme to remove through-traffic on neighbourhood streets and surrounding streets (2020, Lambeth Council):
- ‘Removing through-traffic – A business perspective’ – Article examining the impact of three LTN schemes (2020, The Guardian newspaper)
- Pave The Way – Report outlining the impact of LTNs on disabled people, and the future of accessible Active Travel (2021, Transport for All):
- LTNs for all? Mapping the extent of London’s new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – Report on the impact of LTNs in London (2020; Aldred & Verlinghier, Possible):
- The Impact of Introducing Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on Road Traffic Injuries – Research on traffic collisions in LTNs (2021; Laverty et al, Findings Press):
- The Street Appeal report – A study measuring the impact of improvements to the street environment in London town centres and high streets (2017, TfL):
- ‘LTNs Do Not Cause Gridlock, Finds Traffic Count Analysis’ – Article outlining results of traffic count analysis before and after the introduction of LTNs (2020, Forbes)
- ‘Low-traffic schemes benefit everyone, not just better-off’ – Article outlining the benefits of low-traffic schemes (2020, The Guardian newspaper):
Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum undertook a survey of local people and businesses to test the water on the community’s views on traffic and travel in our area.
The Government is actively encouraging local measures to reduce traffic in residential areas, including implementing ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ (LTNs), which are springing up across London. We wanted to know what our neighbours thought about the principle of an LTN and other measures in Dartmouth Park.
The survey took place over 2 weeks in late July 2020 and was completed by 401 people. We are very grateful for this amazing response.
Responses were received from a broad range of people:
- Living on 67 different streets
- 44% under the age of 50
- 45% have children under 18 in their household
Regarding issues experienced:
- 82% think there was too much traffic in Dartmouth Park before lockdown
- 70% think there was too much traffic on their street before lockdown
- At least half of respondents say that their immediate local area suffers from:
- noticeable pollution
- excessive rat-running
- excessive speeding
- 94% appreciated the fall in traffic and improved air quality during lockdown.
Regarding possible interventions, the following number show how many respondents say they are very supportive and quite supportive of each measure:
- 77% support removing obstructions from pavements for people with disabilities
- 75% support reducing through traffic
- 73% support trialling a Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme in Dartmouth Park
- 71% support cycle lanes on busy roads such as Highgate Road and Gordon House Road
- 69% support banning through traffic so long as traffic is not displaced onto other local residential streets
- 68% support restricting through traffic at peak times
- 64% support pedestrian/zebra crossings across main roads
- 62% support widening pavements where practical
- 62% support changing some streets into pedestrian areas
- 61% support play streets – temporary closure of residential streets to allow children to play
- 60% support vehicle-activated speed signs
- 55% support rephasing traffic lights to benefit pedestrians
- 54% support more cycle parking hangars
- 50% support removing pavement parking
- 47% support extending bike hire into Dartmouth Park
- 46% support more cycle paths on Hampstead Heath
- 46% support removing parking from Highgate Road to allow more space for cycling
- 45% support more one way streets
- 39% support secure parking for cargo bikes
- 39% support traffic calming such as speed humps
- 34% support more brightly lit streets
When people were asked what measures they would support to help the businesses and enable safe community interaction in our 4 local centres:
- For Swain’s Lane:
- 78% support more cycle parking
- 77% support more places to sit
- 77% support more planting and environmental improvements
- 76% support new public toilets
- 74% support closing to traffic at weekends to allow businesses to put tables and chairs in the street
- 72% support restricting traffic access to improve the environment for pedestrians and outdoor customers
- 68% support removing some parking to allow businesses to put out more tables and chairs
- For York Rise/Chetwynd Road:
- 66% support more planting and environmental improvements
- 65% support removing some parking to allow businesses to put out more tables and chairs
- 65% support closing to traffic at weekends to allow businesses to put tables and chairs in the street
- 61% support restricting traffic access to improve the environment for pedestrians and outdoor customers
- 55% support more cycle parking
- 54% support more places to sit
- For Highgate Road (around Parliament Hill Medical Centre):
- 74% support more planting and environmental improvements
- 70% support more cycle parking
- 65% support new public toilets
- 56% support more places to sit
- For Chester Road:
- 68% support more planting and environmental improvements
- 60% support more cycle parking
- 54% support more places to sit
What now?
We have shared the findings with Camden Council to enable them to decide how to respond to them.
Armed with these findings, we will campaign for measures to improve the neighbourhood for residents and businesses.
We are seeking funding to explore the issues raised in the survey with the community in more depth.